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Rhiannon Drake

Rhiannon is a London-based musician, vocalistcomposer and actor.

When not performing or writing, she runs Test of Time Entertainment.


Most recently she has been singing with Enchord, a musical theatre a cappella group, and developing a new musical, 'Reunited', with writer/director, Will Maynard. 


She also regularly performs at corporate events with jazz, pop, funk, soul and rock bands.

Find out more about Rhiannon hererecent projects here or see/hear her in action here.

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Rhiannon Drake accentuates the setting with her evocative original songs in Welsh that enhance several scenes.”  @broadwaybaby, Wind Of Heaven, Finborough Theatre

"...a brilliant musical score written by Rhiannon Drake"

@thatstageyblog, Wind Of Heaven, Finborough Theatre

“The new musical scores brought a fresh feel to the musical genre…  Drake's writing skills have excelled.”, Herstoric, Drayton Arms Theatre

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